schools around the world. Student councils
often serve to engage students in learning
about democracy and leadership. Almost all
schools have school councils in some shape
or even have some other clubs where
students not only learn about democracy but
actually Do Democracy.
School Councils and Clubs are a brilliant way
for students to influence and lead on school
decisions. Such clubs are not just about
organising any event or activity, taking part in
sports competitions, conducting field visits,
wall displays, but they are all about
participating in important decisions that
affect the smooth running of schools as well.
This week, students will conduct research on
the shape and functions of these democratic
set ups in the school and compare the
functioning of these in a scientific manner.
Expected Outcomes –
Students will –
1. Understand the importance and objectives of different clubs and Students councils.
2. Learn the importance of having such democratic spaces in schools.
3. Analyse the democracy parameters of ACTIZEN club and suggest the ways to make it more
Time Required – 45-60 Minutes
Pre-preparation –
Take prior approvals from different Council amd Club members and teachers as well.
Steps for the Activity –
DAAC President as facilitator –
Describe the task in brief to club members and divide them into groups
1. Make 4-5 groups based on number of clubs and students council to be surveyed.
2. Each group will select any 1 club/Students Council existing in our school to collect the
3. Describe the questions and distribute the Survey Pro-forma to collect and fill up the
4. After collecting information, each group will analyse the results and present their findings to
other groups.
5. DAAC Vice President and Secretary will collate the information collected by all groups.